Knitting is a wonderful and rewarding hobby, but it also comes with some challenges. One of them is how to deal with the remaining threads or yarn tails that are left after you finish your project. These threads can be unsightly, messy, and even unravel your work if not properly secured.
Fortunately, there are many ways to hide the remaining threads in knitting, depending on the type of stitch, the yarn, and the project.
There are a plenty of ways to hide the loose threads. Every knitter has his secrets, his own way of hiding them… and in this article, we will show you 10 ways to hide the remaining threads in knitting, using simple tools and techniques.
Way 1-6: We can use these ways to hide the remaining threads in stockinette stitch.
1. Duplicate stitches on the right side

2. Duplicate stitches on the wrong side

3. Vertically

4. Diagonally

5. Diagonally (method 2)

6. Places to Weave Ends: A Seam Allowance

Way 7-8: We can use these ways to hide remaining threads in Garter
7. Horizontally

8. Duplicate Stitch in Garter

Way 9 : Wecan use this way to hide remaining threads in Rib
9. Up and down in a knit column on the wrong side

Way 10 : We can use this way to hide remaining threads in Lace
10. Duplicate stitch (also known as Swiss darning)
